Sunday, April 4, 2010

50 Pounds in 60 days?

Okay, people . I know you have heard of a total fatty. This time it is not as flattering. iGossip has spotted myself becoming overweight! I know right? Why would I become overweight? Well, I guess its from all of this gossiping I do on a daily basis. I barely have enough time to take care of myself. Here I am sitting in front of this computer screen and all of a sudden, I feel something on my leg. OH NO! Guess what it was? It was MY FAT STOMACH resting on the top of my thigh! I can not explain how gross this felt. It felt like I had a big piece of raw, thawed out turkey sitting on my lap waiting for me to stuff it. All I could do was shake my head in dispair and try to pay closer attention to my weight and less attention on the gossip. So, to help me out in my quest, I have chosen to make a game out of it. I have set myself a goal to reach and a deadline to reach it by. You will never guess what my weight loss goal is? Gossip has it that my goal is is to loose 50 pounds in 60 days! Do you think I can handle that? Well, I have no other choice. My back is beginning to hurt and I am really afraid of gaining any more weight. To join me or check me out on my journey, I have created a new blog entitled ... "Loose 50 pounds in 60 days". Check it out and join me or send some words of encouragement my way! Weight loss,  here I come so you had better watch out!

XOXO.. iGossipGirl!

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