Thursday, January 28, 2010

Apple IPAD

GossipXO here,

I wanted to know what do you all think of the new Apple Ipad? Me personally, I think it is the biggest lab testing device I have ever seen. I mean really? This Ipad doesn't even have 3G yet? The last time I checked, the everyone was utilizing 4G, Right? Okay, so they have some catching up to do, I get it. Next, Isn't this the same thing as a Big Ipod Touch with the only difference being this one is way larger? Helloo? are the creative juices not flowing well for the Apple group now that they have semi taken over where Microsoft left off. Do they not remember that just a little while ago, nobody even KNEW what apple did anymore? They had to make a huge comeback to get us to use their products and they did it! By golly, they actually won the old client back and several million new clients all with the "I" Series.

Now it just looks like they are really going backwards. That is why I stated in the first paragraph that they are using this first IPAD as a big Test or Pilot program. I know that with all this money they are spending on development and programs and etc, that they are not going to just leave the IPAD as is? I refuse to believe that. However, if you can remember when the IPHONE just came out, there were SO MANY problems and pitfalls! They had to actually recall it and replace them. There are still major problems they are still trying to knock the kinks out.

So, before you go out and spend 800.00 on the FIRST IPAD amongst your friends to show off that "I got an IPAD and YOU don't", think twice. Why not let someone else be the guinea pig and save that 800.00 for the REAL IPAD that will be coming out in about 30 - 60 days!! Trust me, you WILL be sorry if you are a compulsive buyer. But hey, if you really want to just throw money, you could just throw it in a donation spot for my blog! :)  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE that!

Smooches Biatches!
Til' Next Gossip Time **Kisses** GossipGirlXO

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gossip for the Young and Restless Spoilers

The Young and the Restless Gossip Spoilers is a must have on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I know i will not get around to posting about this everyday. I do want to let you know that I do see the shows ONE full day in advance before you. HAHA ** post it note: true gossip girl ** I always feel like I can hold something over my co-workers at work because they barely got to see today's episode and I already know what will happen the next day. (True Gossip).

Let's get started shall we? 01/21/2010: There are a few things that irk my nerves with this show lately.

Number One: why is it that Lilly always gets the short end of the stick? Her mom disappearing (who knows where the heck she is, because I know she is not dead .. more on that another time *spoiler*). Her "husband" cheated on her and left her for a skank who*r* named AMBER. (Gosh do i dislike her, how annoying. Is it just me or does she talk out of her nostrils?). Her best friend started seeing her ex-husband. (so wierd). Lilly recently found out the man who raised her is NOT her dad, but her UNCLE is her dad (WTF). Now to top it off.. her new husband is a fat liar and is not really rich! OH BTW, Lilly you now have Cancer... What else are they going to do to this poor child? Ughh.

Number Two: Why is Sharon such a slut. I understand this is a soap opera and all but, come on. Why has she LITERALLY slept with EVERY guy in Genoa City. Including Nick's dad ALMOST. Now Nick's Brother? (as gross as he is)

Number Three: Who in the heck does Ashley think she is? This is NOT her house. Victor is right to throw her ugly duckling face out on her smooshed behind.

Don't worry. I got some gossip for ya! Guess what! Sharon is going to find out that Ashley's baby is really hers and Neil is going to get up with Ashley (but they won't let them have a baby though because that would be total out of character for the show). Billy is going to fall head over heels for Heather and Chloe will be jealous again as well as Mackenzie. Mackenzie will steal the baby once it is born and go back to DARFOR sp? wtv. Michael is going to find out that that little braat that works for lauren has been drugging her all along. And there you have it .. oh i forgot to mention ... SPOILER ALERT.... haha. I love the Young and the Restless Gossip.. til next time .... iGossipGirlXO **Kissy**

Welcome to Gossip Girl: The Burn Book

Hey there!

I see you are looking for some juicy gossip, huh? Well, I have ALL the gossip you are seeking. Some of it you would have NEVER even thought of! Yeah, Its THAT juicy! So.. are you in or are you out? Trust... you don't want to get on my bad side. My Gossip can make you or break you. Which side do you stand on? Believe me, i have something on you that you wish nobody ever knew about. Hmph, just a little something to gossip about every once in a while.

SO! Now that's out of our way, let's focus on the real reason this site was created. You guessed it... GOSSIP, GOSSIP, GOSSIP! Whether it is talking about Lil' Wayne, Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Beyonce, Sharon Newman, Bad Girls, etc. I love to share and if you have something you would like to share let me know and I will release the information when the time is right. (You know how that goes lol). Well, until next time .... iGossipGirlXO ** Kissy **