Thursday, January 21, 2010

Welcome to Gossip Girl: The Burn Book

Hey there!

I see you are looking for some juicy gossip, huh? Well, I have ALL the gossip you are seeking. Some of it you would have NEVER even thought of! Yeah, Its THAT juicy! So.. are you in or are you out? Trust... you don't want to get on my bad side. My Gossip can make you or break you. Which side do you stand on? Believe me, i have something on you that you wish nobody ever knew about. Hmph, just a little something to gossip about every once in a while.

SO! Now that's out of our way, let's focus on the real reason this site was created. You guessed it... GOSSIP, GOSSIP, GOSSIP! Whether it is talking about Lil' Wayne, Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Beyonce, Sharon Newman, Bad Girls, etc. I love to share and if you have something you would like to share let me know and I will release the information when the time is right. (You know how that goes lol). Well, until next time .... iGossipGirlXO ** Kissy **

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